Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Meeting on April 16, 2018 
Robert has started a FACEBOOK Group for us.  It is a private group for the Meetup members to share successes, keep up on events and ask questions.  Join at WEST MICHIGAN LAW OF ATTRACTION on FACEBOOK. 
We have $81.68 in our treasury, with all bills paid. Those wishing to donate, please give funds directly to Peg. 
Robin shared the mediation by Eddie Conner which is available on YouTube at EDDIE’S MEDITATION.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlmn21ANn_Q.  Be sure to visit Eddie’s website as it contains a wealth of information-  www.EddieConner.Com 

Robin shared the opening audio “No More Self-Sabotage by Abraham Hicks which is available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaVFRcRaceI&feature=youtu.be.   
The audio invites us to picture a stick and Abraham makes the point that like a stick, every subject has two ends.  One end is what is wanted; the other end is the absence of what is wanted.  The key is to know where to place your attention.  If we are not careful we can be sloppy thinkers – willing to put up with thoughts that don’t feel good.  That leads us to believe the non-feel good thought is true and therefore we think that thought.  When we have developed patterns of thought that revolve around what we are observing we continue to get more of them. 

These self-sabotaging thoughts make us feel unworthy to receive what we want, what we deserve.  We declare ourselves not based on our thoughts and feelings.  It’s all based upon our connection to a broader perspective. It’s like trying to use a vacuum cleaner without plugging it into the power source.  We need to be connected to Source before we begin observing and manifesting.  Only then will the things that come back to us be pleasing.  We sometimes think self-sabotage lives deep inside us, but it doesn’t.  It’s right out in the open because we keep talking about it.  Our inner being wants nothing to do with it.  What’s deep inside of us is true self-appreciation, self-adoration. The other stuff is just junk we’ve heard someone say. When we repeat it we just activate self-sabotage.  So Don’t!  Connect to Source and appreciate your own self-worth. 

Ciera of the Burbank Law of Attraction Group was in the “Hot Seat” at a recent Abraham workshop.  In the first part of her interaction with Abraham, Ciera asks why her career suffers when she is in a relationship, and vice versa.  In the second part, Ciera asks for more clarification and wants to know if she can have a career and a relationship at the same time.  A YouTube video of her interaction may be viewed at Ciera Video.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QBPeBd7QPM.   

Abraham explained that the career issues have nothing to do with the relationship because it has nothing to do with the other person.  Another person cannot introduce static and resistance into the equation. It has only to do with what we are thinking.  This creates self-sabotaging thoughts.  Recognize them as such and know that we do not want whatever they represent.  Connect yourself to Source.  Now knowing what we don’t want will help us know what we do want.  This exercise adds clarification to our vortex.  Having this relationship has now helped us because the most amazing relationship now exists in our vortex.  Think about this:  Every “not-so-great” experience we have had with any relationship (work, family, friends, etc.) has created even better experiences to come in our vortex.  The next time we are in the receptive mode (through relaxation and meditation or any way to feel good and connected to Source) we will be inspired to a new relationship or job or anything, and it will be one that matches our evolving life as it lives in our vortex.  

What some people call Self-Sabotage Abraham refers to Self-Preservation (the basic instinct to protect oneself from harm).  Basically, we think we can’t have it all.  Abraham says when we are awake we are always in the receptive mode.  The question is are we in the receptive mode of Source energy or the receptive mode of paranoia – what our Inner Being knows or what others are telling us.  Before we knew about being connected to Source while in the receptive mode, we were attracting all over the place.  We listened to what others were saying which made us reactionary.  We didn’t even know how we were attracting the things we attracted.  We just noticed that we did.  We are the ones who are calling everything to us.   

Now that we understand this, life is causing us to want what we want most from where we are now – what’s in our vortex now.  There is an active and revolving reality that has a strong point of attraction – and it is us.  Just remember, everything is already cued up for us and all we need to do is to get into alignment.  When we are inspired on all levels of our Inner Being, it’s influence is reaching us.  And when we are open, we are inspired to the things that work well for us.  That’s how it works. 

A question was raised about how to more quickly get through a period of stress/anxiety.  Here are some of the suggestions.  Distract yourself from a stressful and anxiety-producing situation with anything that makes you feel better, whether that is holding a baby, petting a puppy, finding people and situations to appreciate, taking a nap, dancing, listening to music you enjoy, focusing on positive outcomes, letting go of the struggle, and letting source take care of it, knowing there are positive things in the vortex, and on their way to you, and dropping judgements of the situation. These things all raise your vibration while breaking the momentum that had been building that lead to the stressful situation. 

A great discussion followed with several memorable phrases coming forth.

Appreciation is medicine for your thoughts.

What's in the way, is the way.

Rearrange the Energy.

After the discussion, we ended with a “Love Seat” for members to “What If” their desires and many great suggestions were provided to uplift the participants. 

Esther Hicks will be in Chicago on May 19. Look for more information on the Facebook group page. 

Ina Lukas will be in the Detroit area in the near future.  Look for more information on the Facebook group page, there are several members going, so ride sharing may be possible.  

Our next meeting will be May 21st at Schuler Books on 28th St in Grand Rapids, MI. 

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