Friday, April 19, 2019

West Michigan Law of Attraction

How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers

Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids, Michigan, starting at 6:30.

Peg started off the meeting with an audio mediation by Oprah and Deepak Chopra.

Peg also shared a quote by Albert Einstein.  "There are only two ways to live your life, as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle."

Eddie Conner's meditation, which we weren't able to play, as our video equipment and personnel were not available.

The group shares stories about the law of attraction bringing wanted things into our lives.  

Our own Patti Heredia shared that she will on a livestream program coming soon.

Then we listened to an audio by Esther Hicks about healing old wounds.

Esther mentions that the vibrational memory of something would have faded on its own, if we stop renewing it by bringing it up again.

Useful ideas:
  • Wipe the slate clean.
  • Don't keep talking about the wounds.
  • Honor your feelings, feel them no matter what they are, then they will be able to be processed.
  • Think about this: "What's the most valuable focus I can have right now." 
  • Stop repeating the story.
  • Don't surround yourself with people who will indulge in negativity.
  • Reminisce about good things that have happened.
  • Hold a positive thought for at least 16 seconds, that will turn the momentum positive.
  • Trust your intuition.
  • Use fragrances that give you positive memories, one suggestion is Sacred Mountain essential oil by Young Living.
  • There are an infinite number of perspectives, and you get to choose yours.
  • Tapping is very helpful, there are lots of videos on line to learn it.
  • Look for the silver lining, or gold nuggets of wisdom in challenging situations.
  • Enjoy feeling good for the sheer joy of it.
  • Remember that the Universe has your back.
  • Think about and feel Appreciation, Gratitude and Giving Thanks.
  • When faced with a challenge, think "I want to be a patient person, and this give me a chance to practice.
  • To stop a headache, focus your attention on your hands, energy follows attention and the headache will subside.
  • For every negative thing, think of five positive things.
  • Read "The Empath's Guide to Survival."
  • Decide that is it right, and alright for you to feel good.
  • Find a slightly better feeling thought, move up the emotional scale.
  • Say "I want to be in the vortex!!
Here's our closing video that we couldn't watch at the meeting, so it is a new surprise!!

We paid $89.84 for Meet Up expenses, and we have $56.56 left.

Our next meeting is Monday, May 20th at 6:30 at Schuler Books on 28th St. in Grand Rapids.
Hope to see you all there!!

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West Michigan Law of Attraction How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Bo...