Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Provided by Eddie Conner. Check out Eddie and the helpful services he provides at and at LA Talk Radio’s Video Channel Fridays, 1 PM PST.  Eddie's meditation is on YouTube here.

Our March Meeting was held on Monday, the 19th at Schuler Books on 28th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan, starting at 6:30 pm.

After a treasurer's report noted that Meetup costs were paid for 6 months of $89.94 and that $40.00 donation were received, we have a current balance of 81.68.  Those wishing to donate are encouraged to do so directly to Robin and Peg, rather than through the Meetup site, as it takes a large percentage in fees.

Introductions of several new members followed.

An event called The Event will occur on Wednesday, March 21st and those interested are encouraged to look into that online for more information.

Robert agreed to create a Facebook group for us to use. 

Robin mentioned a healing group that will meet on March 25th  from 3:30 to 5:30pm. The topic for this meeting is "Meditation How & Why." Look up Circle of Love and Light on Facebook for more information.

Next we watched an Audio Clip from Esther Hicks, called "How to Align with Your Desire." You can listen again to the clip on YouTube here: 

Here are a few of Esther's words... 

"You are outputting in every moment...Law of Attraction is matching that vibration with other things like it, that's why it's easy to get on a roll with something, wanted or unwanted.

"Whatever you're giving your attention to, because of Law of Attraction's response to your vibrational output, is gaining momentum."

"Am I keeping myself from moving forward because of my attention to what is?  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!"

"Give yourself a break, because you can't all of a sudden begin believing or thinking differently than you have been, if you've built up a lot of momentum."  

"Get a handle on what your point of attraction is."

"Begin to let some of those beliefs that aren't serving you go dormant by your lack of attention to them."

The more you talk about what is, the more you keep getting what is.  You can either focus on what is or what you want, not both.

Esther uses the analogy of the hills in San Francisco.  If your car starts down the hill and you stop it right away, it's easy.  If you let the car go all the way down the hill, you're going to get run over.  The lesson is to stop when you first recognize you're going down the hill.

"Put reality where it belongs, in the past tense." 

"You cannot be a vibrational match to the more of you when you are a vibrational match the less of you."

"Choose your focus.  Focus towards what you want, what you are wanting, who you are becoming, more appreciation, more love..."

Most people think unconditional love is tolerating something even though you don't feel good.  Unconditional love is being aligned with source.

Following was much lively discussion.

April's meeting will again be at Schuler Books on 28th St in Grand Rapids.  The date will be April 16th 2018, starting at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  

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West Michigan Law of Attraction How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Bo...