Patti Heredia lead the group in a relaxing opening meditation.
We started by sharing experiences of awesome things happening in our lives since the last meeting using the Law of Attraction.
Peggy started the group off with a video by Esther Hicks called "Close the Vibrational Gap."
Some ideas from the video:
- Getting happy where you are.
- Lighten up about where you are.
- Starting over isn't all that bad.
- Accept the journey as part of the process.
- You will have a better trip if you work at enjoying the journey.
- Appreciate the journey.
- You have the option at every moment to make something worse or better.
- Wouldn't it be nice if....
- You always have a powerful NOW!
- Ask yourself... if there anything about this that I can feel better about?
- Follow the better feeling fork.
- The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.
- "I always find a way."
- Start forking in the direction you want to go.
- Being upset is your inner being telling you you're out of alignment.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- When there is no elevator, you have to take steps.
- What really upsets us is split energy.
- We split our energy when we say yes...but.
- Make the decision and get behind the decision you make.
- When you are unclear on a decision wait until you get more clarity.
- We have so much stored emotional energy in our bodies that we can create disease if we don't work on releasing it.
- If you see a Mississaugua Rattlesnake, give it lots of space and move far away to get around it. (Move yourself away from very toxic situations.)
Then our next video:
What's the one thing you can do such that by doing
it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
The group's thoughts:
- Have faith that the universe has your back.
- We're filled with ecstasy, the only things that stops us is our thinking.
- Asking questions without thinking that we have to answer them all.
- Ask good questions: What energy-space consciousness can I be to make this day one with the most joy ever?
- What and how does it get any better than this?
- Pre-pave an upcoming event. Think well of the event and its outcome.
- Forgive the past, people were doing the best they could with what they knew at the time.
- If we are seeking gratitude, Love comes.
- Taking full responsibility for your own part in the current situation frees up your energy for healing.
- Interrupt an old pattern, break the momentum if it is going downhill.
- Start each day with: "I am happy, grateful and thankful for this beautiful, awesome, glorious day filled with perfect health, love, joy, success and gratitude!!
- Write when you are not feeling good about a situation, get at the underlying feelings.
Our closing video was on the Messiah Project Street Symphony.
We all have beauty and talent within, and we can all learn from each other.
Donations at the February meeting totaled $70.00. Our balance is $56.56.
The next meeting is April 15th, at 6:30 at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids