Saturday, July 21, 2018

Our July meeting was held at Schuler Books on 28th Street in Grand Rapids MI, on July 16th, 2018. 

The night's theme was Enhancing Relationships.  

Peg let us know we have 175.00 in the treasury, for those wishing to donate to the group, please give money directly to Robin or Peg, as the MeetUp site takes a large percentage.

Another of Eddie Conner's awesome meditations started us off. Here is the link:  For those interested in finding out more about Eddie Conner, here is the link to his site.

Peg then played an audio by Esther Hicks that can be found on YouTube  Esther reminds us that any person in your life that is irritating you has actually harrassed you into expansion and now it is Your Own job to step into that expansion!  If you continue to be irritated by this person, it is because your inner being went one way... and you didn't go!!!   If it were not for the contrast this person has caused, you would not have expanded. There will be a time when you let go of the struggle and allow yourself to be who they helped you become. Then you can say that the experience really was good for me. Better yet, if we can look back in the midst of contrast and feel that way, it will serve us even better. Esther reminds us that all or us were born to feather our own nest, rather that demanding that someone else do that for us.  Also, we are the creator of our own reality...and so is everyone else, creating their own. 

Some thoughts from the group:

Fully acknowledge where you are at emotionally right now, without glossing over it.
Feel the feelings fully and work at releasing them and moving up the emotional scale.
Focus on progress.
Find ways to break the negative momentum that may have been building up, with better feeling thoughts.
Change your focus to something positive about the other person or the situation.
Think of possible positive outcomes.  Wouldn't it be nice if...

Our Love Seat situation revolved around taking care of an elderly person and the family's control issues around it.

Suggestions from the group:
Picture positive outcomes.
Take some time to process the intense moments by saying to the person who is angry or demanding, "I need some time to think about that'" rather than feeling like you have to respond on the spot.
Realize that you don't have to fix all of this, it may be the other people's issue.
Speak your truth, and let others process that as they will.

Suggestions were made to improve the sound quality in the room.  We are considering a wireless Bluetooth Microphone purchase, anyone with knowledge of which brand is good, please add comments in the Facebook group. 

David and Christine Norrbom invited all to come to their home on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 7-9 for an open forum discussion on topics related to the Law of Attration.  You can make contact with them in the Facebook group called West Michigan Law of Attraction for more info.

Our next meeting is August 20th, at 6:30 pm at Schuler Books on 28th St in Grand Rapids MI

If you want to see the blog directly, you can go here:

West Michigan Law of Attraction How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Bo...