Friday, April 19, 2019

West Michigan Law of Attraction

How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers

Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids, Michigan, starting at 6:30.

Peg started off the meeting with an audio mediation by Oprah and Deepak Chopra.

Peg also shared a quote by Albert Einstein.  "There are only two ways to live your life, as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle."

Eddie Conner's meditation, which we weren't able to play, as our video equipment and personnel were not available.

The group shares stories about the law of attraction bringing wanted things into our lives.  

Our own Patti Heredia shared that she will on a livestream program coming soon.

Then we listened to an audio by Esther Hicks about healing old wounds.

Esther mentions that the vibrational memory of something would have faded on its own, if we stop renewing it by bringing it up again.

Useful ideas:
  • Wipe the slate clean.
  • Don't keep talking about the wounds.
  • Honor your feelings, feel them no matter what they are, then they will be able to be processed.
  • Think about this: "What's the most valuable focus I can have right now." 
  • Stop repeating the story.
  • Don't surround yourself with people who will indulge in negativity.
  • Reminisce about good things that have happened.
  • Hold a positive thought for at least 16 seconds, that will turn the momentum positive.
  • Trust your intuition.
  • Use fragrances that give you positive memories, one suggestion is Sacred Mountain essential oil by Young Living.
  • There are an infinite number of perspectives, and you get to choose yours.
  • Tapping is very helpful, there are lots of videos on line to learn it.
  • Look for the silver lining, or gold nuggets of wisdom in challenging situations.
  • Enjoy feeling good for the sheer joy of it.
  • Remember that the Universe has your back.
  • Think about and feel Appreciation, Gratitude and Giving Thanks.
  • When faced with a challenge, think "I want to be a patient person, and this give me a chance to practice.
  • To stop a headache, focus your attention on your hands, energy follows attention and the headache will subside.
  • For every negative thing, think of five positive things.
  • Read "The Empath's Guide to Survival."
  • Decide that is it right, and alright for you to feel good.
  • Find a slightly better feeling thought, move up the emotional scale.
  • Say "I want to be in the vortex!!
Here's our closing video that we couldn't watch at the meeting, so it is a new surprise!!

We paid $89.84 for Meet Up expenses, and we have $56.56 left.

Our next meeting is Monday, May 20th at 6:30 at Schuler Books on 28th St. in Grand Rapids.
Hope to see you all there!!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Our March meeting started on 6:30 at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids on March 18th.

Patti Heredia lead the group in a relaxing opening meditation.

We started by sharing experiences of awesome things happening in our lives since the last meeting using the Law of Attraction.

Peggy started the group off with a video by Esther Hicks called "Close the Vibrational Gap."

Some ideas  from the video:

  • Getting  happy where you are.
  • Lighten up about where you are.
  • Starting over isn't all that bad.
  • Accept the journey as part of the process.
  • You will have a better trip if you work at enjoying the journey.
  • Appreciate the journey.
  • You have the option at every moment to make something worse or better.
  • Wouldn't it be nice if....
  • You always have a powerful NOW!
  • Ask yourself... if there anything about this that I can feel better about?
  • Follow the better feeling fork.
  • The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.
  • "I always find a way."
  • Start forking in the direction you want to go.
  • Being upset is your inner being telling you you're out of alignment.
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • When there is no elevator, you have to take steps.
  • What really upsets us is split energy.
  • We split our energy when we say yes...but.
  • Make the decision and get behind the decision you make.
  • When you are unclear on a decision wait until you get more clarity.
  • We have so much stored emotional energy in our bodies that we can create disease if we don't work on releasing it.
  • If you see a Mississaugua Rattlesnake, give it lots of space and move far away to get around it. (Move yourself away from very toxic situations.)

What's the one thing you can do such that by doing
it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?


The group's thoughts:

  • Have faith that the universe has your back.
  • We're filled with ecstasy, the only things that stops us is our thinking.
  • Asking questions without thinking that we have to answer them all.
  • Ask good questions: What energy-space consciousness can I be to make this day one with the most joy ever?
  • What and how does it get any better than this?
  • Pre-pave an upcoming event. Think well of the event and its outcome.
  • Forgive the past, people were doing the best they could with what they knew at the time.
  • If we are seeking gratitude, Love comes.
  • Taking full responsibility for your own part in the current situation frees up your energy for healing.
  • Interrupt an old pattern, break the momentum if it is going downhill.
  • Start each day with: "I am happy, grateful and thankful for this beautiful, awesome, glorious day filled with perfect health, love, joy, success and gratitude!!
  • Write when you are not feeling good about a situation, get at the underlying feelings.
Our closing video was on the Messiah Project Street Symphony.

We all have beauty and talent within, and we can all learn from each other.

Donations at the February meeting totaled $70.00. Our balance is $56.56.
The next meeting is April 15th, at 6:30 at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hello, Robert here filling in for Jackie.  I haven’t been to our LOA meet up group for several months and first thing I noticed was some changes.  First of all , we’re not putting the chairs in a circle any more.  That’s because we have Scott setting up audio and a video screen so we can watch the Youtube video meditations.  We also have Peg taken over running the show and she’s doing a great job keeping the meeting on track and the conversation lively.  I'f you haven't been to out LOA meetup lately, come by next month!

Intro Video meditation The Honest Guys: The Garden of Tranquility

Eddie Conner is doing his Peru trip to Machu Picchu:
James Sutton:  

Our topic this month was Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and the video is on Mike and Ramona’s Youtube Channel at

One of the first visuals on the video was a FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful.  The conversation started out by pointing out that when our focus vacillates, we don’t stay focused long enough on any one thing which can be good or bad, depending upon what our focus is.  

Ester pointed out that when we are feeling overwhelmed, it’s always because we’re asking for more than we’re allowing.  That’s a great definition for overwhelm.  When we can FOCUS, we gain clarity and are capable of handling more without being overwhelmed.  

What happens to asking? Asking always gets bigger, source always answers so, when we talk in favor of our desires, we focus, our desires expand and if we keep in mind the phrase, “Things are always working out for me”, that will soothe the feeling of overwhelm.  

Ester goes on to explain that everything is about balance and we need to breath in as well as breath out.  When you give yourself permission to visualize your desires Be Love, be in love with your desires, you get into the state of allowing.  Don’t face the current reality.  Focus on where you’re going, not where you are.  

Our desires always expand so, we should move in the direction of our desires or else the gap will grow and we feel overwhelmed.   

Your inner being is the source of You.  It has more energetic clout than you do.  That’s very strong vibrational part of you that you have not allowed to come to the forefront.  

Some of the things we discussed were about how to ignore the current reality so we can let the new reality that we desire in. 

~  “Don’t wear a watch”  Don’t set a time limit on your desires.  There were several examples of people forgetting about their desires and they then manifested.

~  Take Tiny Steps - This is a way to stay focused in the direction of your desires, know you re on the way but not feel overwhelmed that it hasn’t manifested yet.  

~  Love the emotions - Vibrations are the creative aspect of ourselves.  Don’t resist emotions whether they are positive or negative.  Again, there is always that balance of asking/allowing, giving/receiving.

~  Bring awareness into the picture.  Awareness gives space  and space gives us the ability to make a choice.  

We then talked about what’s the best way to get into the receiving mode?
~  Be thankful/feel grateful
~  Be calm like a cat
~  Remember: The universe is always providing
~  Get outside in Nature
~  Ask good questions:  What is the silver lining?  What is this trying to teach me?  What is better that that?  
~  Listen to your body to get a jump on your head.  Your body has innate intelligence and is the seat of intuition.  
~  A book by Sean Achor was mentioned “The Happiness Advantage”

When it came time to do the Love Seat, it was brought up that we put our dear LOA friend Larry Robertson in the Love seat even though he was unable to join us.  Larry has been going through some cancer treatment and we’ve been keeping him in our thoughts.  We did that and then audio recorded it for Larry to listen to later.  

We ended the meeting with the video “The Power of Words”  which you may have seen before.  It’s about a blind man begging on the street with a sign that says “I’m Blind Please Help”  A lady comes along and changes the words on his sign and suddenly he’s getting many more donations.  She simply changed the sign to “It’s a Beautiful day and I can’t see it”. 

Every day is a beautiful day if we only allow ourselves the space to see the good all around us and appreciate all we already have.  

Hope to see you at our next LOA meet up on Monday March 18th.  Until then don’t forget to remember “Everything is always working out for me”.  


Monday, January 28, 2019


January 21, 2019

After introductions, we listened to a live meditation facilitated by Daina (“Dinah”) P.

We showed a video, Reversing Negative Thinking, available on YouTube.  In the video, the person in the hot seat is frustrated by things such as traffic and work, things that tend to block him from maintaining positive thoughts and a positive outlook.  He obtains advice from Abraham on how to stop “pinching himself off” from Source.

Whether our thoughts are positive or negative, maintaining the same thought pattern increases its momentum.  It makes sense that when the momentum of our thoughts and actions are negative, they will continue in that vein and carry us deeper into that negative space.  Likewise, when our thoughts and actions are positive, we will be carried upwards into better and better places.  Our power sits in our ability to get out ahead of the negative thoughts and actions and reverse the momentum into a positive direction.

Our problem tends to be that when something negative invades our space, all our attention seems to be placed in that direction – or as it says in the video, we start spewing a mist and cannot stop.  The challenge we face is finding a mechanism to stop the spewing and channel our direction into more positive behavior.  The easiest way to change?  When we sleep, there is no negativity.  We are in effect unconscious and restful with no room for negativity.  When we wake up, if we look at the new day as a new beginning and do not resume the spewing, we can direct our attention towards a more positive outlook.  We may revert to spewing during the day, but by continually switching our momentum to positivity, we will have less tendency to spew each day until it finally disappears.

Another tool is meditation which changes the frequency of our vibration.  Or rampages of appreciation which do the same.  When we meditate or do a rampage before going to sleep, whether at night or taking a nap, we have changed our frequency and allowed the sleep to change our momentum.

When we are spewing, discipline is required to switch our focus to things we feel better about.  Negative things happen and sometimes it seems they are directed towards us.  It is important to learn to not react or be defensive.  We have to be focused on other things.  It is impossible to focus on negative and positive at the same time.  It is helpful to have something positive to draw upon to replace the negatives as soon as we realize the negatives are “attacking” us.  Examples are thoughts of our children or grandchildren, pets, pleasant memories from our past, etc.  If possible, take a little nap.  Say to yourself “Things are always working out for me”.  Look for the value in the lesson being taught by the negative circumstance.

As we feel better more of the time, positive things will begin to flow to us.  If we feel vulnerable or picked upon, the best course of action is to withdraw from the situation.  Meditation or rampages of appreciation are great tools to raise our vibration.  We don’t need to disengage from life or hide from people and things (TV) that affect us negatively.  We just need to acknowledge that stuff happens and then remind ourselves of who we really are and that we have the tools and ability to get above the confrontation.  Learn to observe what is happening without getting caught up in it.  Acknowledge that you are a magnificent person, that good things are coming to you, that life is supposed to be fun, and that everything is always working out for you.

What should we do if something or someone from the past continues to haunt us and keeps us in a negative space?  There are many exercises available, here is one.  First, most negativity comes from a person.  One tool is to have a higher-self discussion with that person.  Have your higher self talk to the other person’s higher self and describe whatever is causing your negativity.  Whether you know why the person is seemingly attacking you or not, apologize to the other person’s higher self for whatever you may have done to cause the negative feelings coming your way.  Explain that you forgive them for their actions towards you.  Then, in a visualization, take images of that person and/or the things they did, place them in an imaginary basket, tie several helium-filled balloons to the basket, and release it, watching it rise into the Universe, leaving the problem for Source to resolve.  Sometimes you may need to repeat the exercise, but each time the negativity you feel coming from the other person will decrease.  Continue until all the negativity has dissipated.

The closing video the song and lyrics to “Trip a Little Light Fantastic,” from The Return of Mary Poppins.  The lamplighter is days of old would light the lampposts, one by one, illuminating the way.  This song is about how to light your path from negative thinking to positive.  “When your troubles seem incessant, make your life more incandescent!”

Robin announced she was stepping down as co-organizer.  We thank Robin for all she has done for us!  Peg brought up the fact that running the meetings takes effort.  The group decided to actively recruit members to serve different functions going forward, always seeing to it that that particular function is covered for each meeting.  Scott Campbell will be the lead for audio/visual, Kris Dibble for welcoming and name tags, Jackie Barends for the blog and Daina P. for meditations.  It takes a village!

After paying for name tags, markers, other supplies and party expenses, our funds were at $39.50.  We have upcoming meet up dues of $90 in March.  We reminded the group to please not donate via the meetup site as they take a very large percentage commission, please give donations to directly to Peg or Robin.

A question was brought up about the format change in the meeting. Peg explained that, due to feedback, we were simply returning the more topic-focused meeting style that was used by Ramona and Mike.

Our next meeting will be February 18.

Join our Facebook page “West Michigan Law of Attraction Group”

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November's West Michigan Law of Attration meeting was held on November 19, 2018 at Schuler Book Store on 28th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan, starting at 6:30 pm.

The treasury has $114.41, and those wishing to donate are encouraged to give donations to Peg directly, rather than donate through the MeetUp site, as the site takes a large percentage.

Daina Puodziunas led us in a beautiful mediation to start the meeting out.

Members shared positive results of Law of Attraction moments they experienced throughout the month.

We listened to a video by Esther on the five steps of Creation:

Here are the steps:
1.Life causes you to ask for what you want.
2. Source energy, your inner being is on it!  Cooperative components are being gathered in vibrational form as soon as you ask.
3. Focus upon what you do want, without activation resistance to it.  Practice thoughts of positive expectations, practice being in receiving mode.  Move in the direction of your desire.  Allow satisfaction of going with the positive flow.
4. Mastery of step 3.  Accepting that you are supposed to feel good.  Lean in the direction of feeling good.
5. Recognize the value of contrast.  Embrace and relish contrast, because you realize the value of step 1. 

A book was mentioned Train Your Brain by David Wild, about allowing and receiving.

Next week had a panel discussion with those members that had gone on the Law of Attraction cruise.  Many insights were shared, including these:

  • When you are in receiving mode, it is like WiFi, you light yourself up and like minded people will find you.
  • Write yourself Prosperity Checks at each new moon, a check written out to yourself, in keeping with a feeling of abundance.
  • Concentrate on a feeling of Satisfaction with as many things in your life as you can.
  • Your inner being is hanging out in Step 3 (from above)  align with it!
  • Practice the feeling of being in receiving mode.
  • Drop the need to judge others, concentrate on creating the positive you want in your life.
  • Drop into your heart, and feel the connection to others and to your own inner being.
  • Do what you need to do to be in open, receiving mode, mediation helps many with this.
  • Trust your inner voice.
  • Trust that guidance is available to you.  That it is always surrounding you.
  • Keep the playful inner child alive.
  • Appreciate the beauty in nature, in sacred geometry and in all places you find it.
  • Pay attention to the miracles around us, feel the emotion in a beautiful sunset.
  • Be present in the moment.
  • Rebecca shared a memory technique, when you want to remember something, imagine that you assign that memory to a certain finger, and the memory will stay with you.
  • Act on inspiration, listen to your inner voice.

Next we watched an incredible video on being in awe of the great things that are in our lives, especially in relation to the Christmas season that is getting closer.

There will not be a regular meeting in December, though we are looking forward to a Christmas time potluck at David and Christine's house on January 4th or 5th. Watch the West Michigan Law of Attraction FaceBook page for more details.

Friday, November 9, 2018

WMLOA Meetup October 15 

Topic: What’s Missing from Your Life

Eddie Connor Meditation: Meet Your Master Teacher

Eddie Connor’s meditations are always imaginative.  Today’s was designed to help you meet your master teacher.  It included a special animal totem and a Medicine Man and Woman to help us integrate the positive aspects of both our conscious and subconscious minds.  

Video: Day Trader - 

This week’s topic, “What’s missing from your life”, and the video content didn’t really mesh for me at first because the video was all about better using your intuition. 

However, on closer inspection, I decided that the video was EXACTLY the missing key, the bridge for me to using LOA better and “What was missing” for me personally.   I had actually been setting my intention recently that I want to learn how better to use and trust my intuition!!

One of the first things Ester mentions is that after we ask for what we want, we have to TRUST that Source is aligning everything and wait for inspired action.  “Wait for a Feeling So Compelling that it defies All Reason and Logic”.   We discussed the fact that learning to use and trust intuition takes practice.  One practice example was of making baskets where you put the basket out just far enough so you make some but have to work at it.  Also, staying in the feeling moment, get to know the feeling and having a feeling of satisfaction when things work out.  Use less risky situations and appreciate the little stuff.  It’s like strengthening any muscle.  

Upon listening to the video again, one of the things that was very poignant to me was to “Practice the Feeling of Triumphant Outcome”.  Picture the outcome you want, imagine you already have it and feel the triumph of your success!

We discussed that we need to “Close the Gap” to receive the inspiration and “Break the Evil Spell of dissatisfaction”.  When we “Practice the Feeling of Triumphant Outcome”, we are putting our awareness where it needs to be, on the outcome rather than on “what we don’t have” or on “What Is”.  

Another insight mentioned at the meeting was that what we want is not “out there”, it’s actually inside us waiting to be born and we simply need to uncover it.  Someone else said we need to get all of our senses involved in out picturing the outcome we desire. 

We have to practice the feeling of our successful outcome then wait for the impulse to act.  If you feel worried or dissatisfied, don’t take action.  Also, make sure you are in a feeling of satisfaction when you ask.  A feeling of satisfaction means you are closing the gap.

Esther says, “You have to make an agreement with your own guidance system about what a feeling means. When you get a feeling of elation, exhilaration or excitement, move forward toward this thought you’re contemplating. A feeling of emptiness or less than means stand still or move away from.”  

We discussed that you have to feel it first because you can’t yet see, hear, touch to taste it.  FOCUS on a thought that generates a good feeling.  There is an Immense Power in Cultivating a Desire.  Think of your desire like planting a seed.  

Other techniques that were mentioned:
  • Practice doing rampages of the positive.
  • Record your voice on your phone in rampage and listen to it often.
  • Being grateful for all the positive little things.
  • Journal and re-read your empowering thoughts to gain Clarity.
  • Take a longer view of things and then take little steps.
  • Always dive in never push away from negative circumstances.
  • Don’t resist ~ Accept what is
  • Have a written down system.
  • The power of words as a command = I Am………
  • “The Secret” app

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Our September meeting was held at Schuler Books on Monday, Sept 17th, at 6:30pm and was opened by our fearless leader, Robin, who welcomed guests, and gave us this week's theme which was Exploring Illogical Beliefs.

Our financial update: we have 104.41 and anyone wishing to make a donation is encouraged to give funds directly to Peg, as the MeetUp site takes a high percentage of donations made there.

Tonight's meditation is by Eddie Conner, a great friend of the group from California. Here is the link:

The link for it:
 You can learn more about Eddie at Eddie

Robin then started an audio by Esther Hick's discussing  Illogical Beliefs: This is a YouTube video

Following is the group's discussion:

From Esther: 
If a thought is satisfying-it comes from your inner being.
Release old beliefs that don't serve you anymore
Move toward new ever-changing beliefs
Release the old stories
Catch things as early as possible, before the negative momentum gets strong, but if that has already happened, then give yourself a distraction, like a nap, a shower, a walk, etc.  Disrupt the negative

Robin asked for examples of illogical beliefs that people used to hold.  Examples were many:  taking on fear of not being accepted if you didn't go along with what was expected, fear indoctrinated by religion, valuing money over other things, believing what parents, teachers, doctors and other authority figures told us, whether they were right or not.

Tools that the group suggests:

Soften and lessen your focus on negative ideas. Replace the thought with positve, desired thoughts.

We collect beliefs, we need to examine and release those that don't serve us now.

90% of our thoughts are the same everyday...which means we are mainly living in the past... move your thoughts to the present by examining them.

Question the beliefs you have, become aware of them and release those that don't serve you.

In uncertain situations, we revert to old programming, awareness can help you see that others are acting from old programming, too.  It may be easier to forgive them to know that.

Get a hold of the feeling behind the belief, determine whether it is serving you for the future.

If a beleif feels good, pay attention, it is inner guidance speaking to you.

If you feel guilt or fear, visualize a 'red flag', decide how you will respond.

When faced with a situation you can decide to move your physical body, change your environment, and work to change the meaning of  the thoughts.

Do a Rampage of Appreciation!

Be conscious in situations as much as possible.

You can't change someone else, focus on changing yourself.

Celebrate when you notice you have made progress.

Address thoughts one at a time, can't do lots of thoughts at once.


Be proactive.

Stay in your own lane.

Positive support from others is very helpful.

Find beauty in everday things, like traveling, put yourself in a better state of mind, keep the chain of synchronicity going.

There are only terrific moments and semi-terrific moments, the semi-terrific moments are leading you to the terrific moments.

Make a new path for empowering thoughts to run on by thinking empowering thoughts repetitively.

Make out a 3 by 5 card with empowering thoughts and put it where you will read it often.

Think of a positive word for each letter of the alphabet, teach this game to children.

We have the power to change our thoughts.  Awareness is the key.

David and Christine are planning a Christmas party and will looking at dates and filling us in with more details on the FaceBook site.

Our next meeting will be at Schuler Books on October 15 at 6:30pm.

Check out our FaceBook page at West Michigan Law of Attraction

Good books on the subject:
Happy Crap
What You Think of Me is None of My Business
The Work by Byron Katie
Mind Body Connection

West Michigan Law of Attraction How to Deal with Deep Wounds & Triggers Our April meeting took place on the 15th, at Schuler Bo...